continuation of:
i’m still mad at you warner for what you did last night, this video is not about you however.
it’s about my sweet angel...
makucha in the green coloring marks for the present moment, more to say that it’s fuli visiting him and he takes some time to himself to sing and be powerful.
a memory in block and white is there, it’s not a flashback from any videos of mine, i’ve been trying to use less of those) and then the reality of losing makucha sees into fuli and she freaks out, calling his name, doing anything..
then she runs over to him, she realizes that he’s still there, only in heaven form and she is better when she remembers she is visting him. there is a moment that remains the same with them running, black and white to mark a time when they did the same thing in the real world a year ago.
(also the other coloring is not important, the meaning for the black and white is the same)
anyway, as they continue to run in the memory that fuli plays in her mind, another one appears, this time it’s about when fuli had her not so good time with makucha. they spend some time arguing..
yeah.. i’m so sorry... and yet you never will know..
when that memory ends, another one is there, this one is about how (in many videos that are tributes with these 2, there’s always been the fact that fuli in the videos is afraid of heights and makucha keeps trying to help her jump the cliff)
so i brought a different time when they would try the same thing. makucha then makes the jump, little does he realize that fuli is already good at it. she jumps and pins him to the ground.
makucha tries to break free from her (don’t worry, he wasn’t doing it in an aggressive way, the personality he has is pretty serious at times) but he gives up after seeing that she’s much stronger than him.
this is such a cute memory. unfortunately this was only for my damn imagination because it didn’t happen for real. I’ll always been sure to tell you what memories are based from a real event, like the one where they argued is from when he and i “kinda“ did.
I say that because it wasn’t extreme, it was just confusing and eh.
i’ll let you rest.. fly high... it’s been almost 8 months with you oh my... 😔
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