Наш святой, правильный, воспитанный, милый Димаш. 🙏🙏🙏
Translation for English-speaking subscribers:
Our holy, correct, well-mannered, sweet Dimash. 🙏🙏🙏
Arman Davletyarov asked Dimash:
- Are you a believer?
Dimash replied:
- Yes, but I don’t read the prayer, but sometimes I go to the mosque, read the Koran.
Question: Do you know how to pray?
Answer: Yes, unprofessionally, but I read the Quran. Question: Do you know the surahs?
Answer: Yes, my grandmother has been reading five times prayer for almost 20 years, she does not miss it at all, despite the fact that her legs hurt, she
...always reads prayer, how to do it correctly.
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