Abandoned Dog Lies Helplessly In A Corner Starving For A Long Time Waiting For His Time To Come...

Abandoned Dog Lies Helplessly In A Corner Starving For A Long Time Waiting For His Time To Come... On 11 Oct, we got this post on our Facebook page. Immediately we searched for the dog, but couldn’t find it. We kept asking around & finally found it in a basement. He’s so filthy, he even can’t move his head or stand up, the whole body smelled foul and wet. The owner ruthlessly decided he didn’t want to raise the boy anymore. Bicir had to lie here for a long time and had nothing to eat... Credit To: SilivriCanları #HelplessDog, #StarvingPuppy, #TheMoho ------------------------------------------------------ You Love Animal Videos? Subscribe To Us Here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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