Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive
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Undercover Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive: ‘You Find People that do it Five, Six Times…for the Incentive.’
• Source recorded video show employees of New York contracted medical provider DocGoAmbulnz discussing how people are often successful overcoming barriers that exist to prevent people from getting excessive COVID-19 vaccinations in exchange for the financial incentive of a $100 gift card: People are “flipping the names and the date-of-birth.”
• Project Veritas investigated the practices of DocGo/Ambulnz screeners in the field and obtained undercover footage of employees appearing to give advice on how to circumvent rules to obtain gift cards in exchange for excessive vaccinations.
• In one instance, a registered nurse for DocGo says “maybe just go and not say that you’ve been there before. Just give them a different name,” apparently informing a potential patient on how they could avoid flaggi