01) [00:00] Song of Loyalty / 충성의 노래
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
02) [05:13] Our Father Generalissimo Kim Il Sung / 우리의 어버이 김일성대원수님
Chorus (Mansudae Art Troupe)
03) [09:36] Long Live Generalissimo Kim Il Sung! / 김일성대원수 만만세
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
04) [12:33] We’ll Serve Generalissimo Kim Il Sung with High Respect Forever / 김일성대원수님을 영원히 높이 모시리
Male solo and chorus - Ri Yong Uk (Mansudae Art Troupe)
05) [17:30] We Sing the Leader’s Revolutionary Cause / 수령님 혁명위업 노래 부르네
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
06) [19:52] Long Live the Great Juche Idea! / 위대한 주체사상 만세
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
07) [24:02] Juche, Our Victory / 주체는 우리의 승리
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
08) [26:32] A Single Mind / 오직 한마음
Female quartet (Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble)
09) [29:19] We Sing of Our Motherland under Our Leader’s Guidance / 수령님 높이 모신 내 조국 노래하네
Male chorus
10) [32:31] Mt. Myohyang in Autumn / 묘향산 가을날에
Male solo and chorus - Sok Ji Min (Korean People’s Army Song and Dance Ensemble)
11) [36:54] Kimilsungia in Full Bloom All over World / 온 세상에 만발한 김일성화
Female solo - Choe Sam Suk (Mansudae Art Troupe)
12) [40:55] Don’t Advance, Night of Pyongyang / 지새지 말아다오 평양의 밤아
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui (Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble)
13) [45:56] Loyal Answer “We Know“ / 충성의 대답소리 《알았습니다》
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
14) [49:00] We Will Go on and on along Loyal Road / 충성의 한길로 가고가리라
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
15) [52:23] Millions of Miles Following the Leader, Following the Party / 수령님을 따라 천만리 당을 따라 천만리
Male chorus (The Korean People’s Army Merited Chorus)
Song #2 우리의 어버이 김일성대원수님 = 우리의 어버이 김일성원수님
Songs of Korea Vol. 95 - Song of Loyalty
조선의 노래 제95집 - 충성의 노래
위대한 수령 김일성원수님 탄생 90돐 기념집 5 (90th Anniversary of the Birth of Leader Marshal Kim Il Sung 5)
NOTE: It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the different sources).
Download / Скачать MP3 (128-320 kbps) - the link is available in the comments
Listen in VK / Слушать в ВК - the link is available in the comments
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