A Simple Spiral Hanger Swirl for Cold Process Soap

I just had to try this hanger swirl and I thought you’d like to see the result. Pink and White soap are poured one either side of a cardboard divider. Then A Hanger tool is then inserted halfway down into the white side, and from that position, I make a spiral swirl. I move from the white through the pink in - making a small circle followed by a larger circle around the smaller one and a final larger circle around both-all the while trying not to intersect the first circles. Some say the swirl makes them think of a flamingo head (side view with a white eye and beak), some say an elephant head( side view with a white trunk and ear), some say a galaxy and some a snail climbing up an incline( if you turn it on its side)! What do you think? In any event, I think it is a pretty pink and white soap. See Chapter 43 (of my free e-book4!) for recipe and more info : Link to video where I make my shea butter soap:
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