В небо – Диана Анкудинова (Official video)

Музыка: Слава Трибуховский Слова: Вадим Цыганов Аранжировка: Брендон Стоун Запись: BRANDON STONE MUSIC PRODUCTION Режиссёр и оператор клипа: Дмитрий Шлемин @dmitryshlemin Второй оператор: Василий Шерстнёв . INTO THE SKIES Music: Slava Tribukhovsky; Lyrics: Vadim Tsyganov; Arrangement: Brandon Stone: Clip director&operator: Dmitry Shlemin; Assistant: Vasily Sherstnev Out of my window in the silver of night, in clouds I see a yellow moon. It pours it’s light Millions of years And the Earth floats Into the fields of stars, And below ice crust it streams Milky River. [Milky River] CHORUS: I wish I’ll make it to warm up my heart and like a Blue Bird I’ll fly into the skies, fly into the skies. I wish I’ll fly afar like a Blue Bird and relieve my sorrow and blaze like a daw
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