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Instagram: Email: deathcastleband@ Lyrics: Now I’m no scientist, but this shit looks bad from where I’m standing We’re time poor, a flick of the wrist and this whole damn world’s gonna be crash landing If you get a second go round in this madness just make up a story to tell your kids, to scare them to boredom, so they sleep through this aeroplane going down And they’ll try upping the oxygen but that wont work so they’ll build a rocket ship so we can shoot the rich up toward the stars to have another go at it to have another go at it I’ll get the last plane when the love runs out yeah, yeaah, yeaah Save my tears for next year’s drought yeah, yeaah, yeaah Come day we’ll start all over, yeah or... Face the long night we’ve been talking about, yeah... It’s another world over If I could get in touch with me yesterday I might try to turn it round and say I could be wrong but it looks like this ship’s running into the ground I’ll get the last plane when
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