Selected Originals - Queen In Malta (1954)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Queen in Malta“ 54/35. SV Ratings and Wrens marching past and Marines as Queen takes the salute (several shots). Crowd (several shots). LV Prince Charles and Princess Anne watching from balcony. Royal car driving through cheering crowd. SV Queen and Duke alighting and mounting rostrum. GV parade (several scenes). SV Queen and Duke moving off to inspect parade (2 scenes.) SV Queen on rostrum (2 shots). LV Guard of Honour firing salute. LV Prince Charles and Princess Anne alighting from launch and being greeted. LV Queen inspecting in a land rover. LV march past. LV Queen and Duke arriving at the quayside. GV ’Britannia’ and warships in Valetta Harbour. LV Queen and Air Force Memorial Ceremony. CU RAF Guard of Honour (2 shots). GV pan, ships in Valetta Harbour. SV aircraft carrier (2 shots). LV Royal yacht ’Britannia’. GV warships in Valetta Harbour (2 shots). LV ’Britannia’. SV Queen looking at RAF memorial (several scenes). Ships
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