Joti Brar CPGB-ML/. “Tasks and Problems of the International Communist Movement“.

Kommunismus Kongress. Berlin . Joti Brar CPGB-ML/World Antiimperialist Platform. “Tasks and Problems of the International Communist Movement“. Joti Brar, Vice-President of the Communist Party of Great Britain - Marxist Leninist and representative of the World Anti-imperialist Platform (WAP) will speak at this year’s Communism Congress on the tasks and problems facing the international communist movement. In particular, she will talk about international groupings and their potentials as well as limitations. Which orientation and organisational form of international groupings do we have to fight for today in order to pave the way for a revolutionary change? Do we need an international clarification process? How do we overcome the current weakness and crisis of the communist movement? What are the specificities and parallels in our struggle in the imperialist centres, Britain and Germany?
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