"Battle of Heaven and Earth" (Inspired by Attack on Titan) - Mario Daniel Rodriguez

Here is a 7-minute sequence inspired by Hajime Isayama’s “Shingeki no Kyojin“ or “Attack on Titan“ called Battle of Heaven and Earth. This original piece of music summarizes the events of the final struggle against the Rumbling and Eren Jaeger himself. The first act represents the beginning of the battle. The second act represents our heroes’ struggle, eventual rescue by Falco, and the destruction of Eren’s Founding Titan. The third act represents the final battle of Attack on Titan as Eren and Armin collide. Now available to stream or buy on Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes! Spotify: Follow and Connect with me at: Instagram: @mdrcomposer Facebook: YouTube: Email: mdrmusic500@ DISCLAIMERS: I do not own the manga images refer
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