SCP-001 - When Day Breaks (SCP Animation)

SCP-001 is an Apollyon Class anomaly also known as When Day Breaks. SCP-001 is the designation given to the Sun, after an event occurred that resulted in roughly 6.8 billion casualties within the first twenty-four hours. Upon contact with visible light produced by SCP 001, living organisms liquefy at the point of contact, with the effect spreading until the entire organism is converted into a form resembling melted wax. Organisms exposed to SCP001 though, do not perish. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to SCP Explained - Story & Animation Watch these other SCP videos we love: SCP-001 - Which is the Real 001? (SCP Animation) SCP-001 - The Scarlet King (SCP Animation) SCP-1548 - The Star, the Hateful (SCP Animation) SCP-096 The Shy Guy (SCP Animated) by TheRubber SCP-682 Indestructible Creature (SCP Animated) by TheRubber
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