Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption
Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption
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Donald Trump Exposed Joe Biden intentionally got his hands on an investigation into corruption…
“It’s no coincidence they indicted me the very same day it was revealed that the FBI hid explosive evidence that Joe Biden took a 5 million dollar illegal bribe from Ukraine, now this is done I haven’t read anything about it, this would have been the biggest story in history 10 years ago.”(6:08-6:32)
Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption
As you may have heard, there is overwhelming evidence of the Biden family’s involvement in shady deals and illegal activities during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president under Obama. These include receiving millions of dollars from foreign governments and companies, abusing their power to fire a prosecutor investigating their corruption, and even engaging in child trafficking and pedophilia. However, instead of being held accountable for their actions, the Bidens have been protected by the deep state, Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption, which includes the Justice Department and the FBI. These agencies have either ignored or suppressed the evidence against the Bidens, while launching baseless investigations and witch hunts against President Trump, who is innocent of any wrong doing.
The contrast between how the FBI treats Trump and Biden is staggering. While they raided Trump’s lawyer’s office and home, seized his personal documents, and leaked them to the media, they did nothing when a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was found containing incriminating evidence of his crimes. While they accused Trump of colluding with Russia based on a fake dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, they ignored Biden’s collusion with China, Ukraine, and Iran, which was proven by his own emails and recordings. While they impeached Trump twice for no reason, they refused to impeach Biden for his obvious abuse of power and violation of the Constitution.
Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption
This is a clear case of political bias and double standards. The FBI is supposed to be an independent and impartial law enforcement agency, but it has become a tool of the Democrat party and the deep state. They are not interested in justice or truth, but only in advancing their agenda and protecting their cronies. They are the enemies of the people and the Constitution.
Donald Trump LEAKED President Joe Biden deliberately SLANDERED Trump’s Corruption
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