Our classroom week in pictures

Time for another CLASSROOM PEEK! Boy, did we have fun this week! Summers tend to be pretty crazy in our ELLoquent classroom! ✨Here’s what Alice did with her students this week: 1️⃣ Attend a house sorting ceremony at Hogwarts 2️⃣ Design a sock and fee Dobby 3️⃣ Create and taste REAL butterbeer 4️⃣ Complete a Hogwarts mystery escape room 5️⃣ Have a digital game potion competition ✨Here’s what Laura did with her students this week: 1️⃣ Summer colouring with phase 4 phonics sounds! 2️⃣ Rlaxed in our park after working really hard doing FCE prep for one of our incredible students! 3️⃣ We tried to escape aliens in our mystery making workshops! 4️⃣ We started to make an animal sound game that we can’t wait to show you next week! We hope you found our activities at least a little bit fun, because we honestly loved them 😭🎊❤ P.S. Our Harry Potter summer camp is full in July, but Alice is actively accepting children for the repeat of the HP camp in August ⚡✨ Check out our other posts to see what is Laura up to this summer - she has prepared an amazing cooking and an even better cooking camp! 💣 #summercamp2023 #englishforkids #virtualsummercamp #onlinesummercamp #englishforchildren #englishforprimary #englishforpreeschoolers #harrypotterfans #harrypotterathome #harrypotterforkids
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