[TOP 10] Cimmerian Shade VERIFIED // SrGuillester and Azuler
ID: 93340783
Attempts: 58,347
Enjoyment: 7/10
Worst deaths: 82, 73, 70x2, 67, 64x4, 63x4, 62, 57, 56x12
Raw footage:
I can’t believe I’m finally writing this description dude hoooly
This level has been an insane grind for me over the past year, though I’ve had massive mindblocks and took massive breaks I never gave up and it finally paid off. This level is a STRUGGLE, by far the most frustrating level I’ve ever played and I’ll hazard to say there’s a chance it’s one of the most frustrating levels in the whole game. This level is a mental gauntlet, consistency does NOT exist in this level and mindblocking is so easy. Despite that the raw gameplay is actually really fun! Doing runs on this level is probably some of the most fun I’ve had in the game, its super unique and a joy to learn. I honestly urge other people to give this level a shot, it may seem daunting but this is a level where anyone with enough determination can beat it.
I wanna dedicate this to all these people who’ve helped me out MASSIVELY throughout my time playing this. Without all of you this would’ve never happened.
Slithium: Literally the reason I even started playing this level in the first place. I’ve always done some small runs here and there but your 63% run is what inspired me to actually try and beat it for myself.
skyviper4: Thanks so much for sticking with me through the early days when I was on my first grind. You showed up to EVERY call and literally just sat there watching me grind a hard ass level for several weeks. Geno would be proud
Justin: My best friend for all these years. If you’re reading this Justin, you are the goat my brother. Keep them fortnite dubs up my friend
Swiborg: You helped me get back on the grind when I was slowing down. Your progress was SUPER quick and you totally could’ve sniped the verification but you let me keep going at it. You are a G
Hipo: Revived me from my several month long hiatus and gave me that final push to finally verify the level. Could not have done it without you bro
Special shoutouts:
The Eric friendgroup
The Instagram friendgroup
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