Invisible Kid (St. Anger Fixed + Remixed)

While most of my friends completely dismissed Metallica’s “St. Anger“ outright, I’ve always felt that the album had some good sections here and there, but their full potential was never realized. The biggest problem with the album is that, despite showing themselves to be quite good at song structure on previous albums, with this one it’s like they completely forgot how to, and/or didn’t even bother. So to prove my theory that there are some good songs buried under all the repetitive stock riffs and the annoying brassy drum, I’ve gone about trying to structure some of the better sections into listenable songs. I’ve also tried my best to mute the brassy drum, but it’s hard to do without effecting the music quality. It’s still there, but its quieter now. I’m sure a few people will be thinking of giving me crap for turning this into a three-minute y’know, if there’d been a Kirk solo to work from, it would’ve ended up
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