Dota2 Singsing Top 10 Funny&Pog Moments

Hey everyone, It’s Alaska 🤗 I collected and edited @WehSing ’s most watched clips on Twitch. I don’t have editing experience so It took me really long but somehow I managed it. This is what my desktop looked like after finishing the video: 😂 If you enjoyed my content subscribe to see more Dota 2 clips and compilations. ❤️ Click to get 500 mmr ➜ Clip Source: Clips have been ordered by personal appreciate instead view count. #dota2 #dotaclips #dota2twitch #dotawtf #dota #topson #masondota2 #gorgc #arteezy #dotashorts #dota2shorts #dota2live #saberlight #qojqva #singsing #twitch #tw...itchclips #gamer #dota2gameplay #nigma #liquid #tundra #teamspirit #redditdota #dota2moments #miranalaska
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