[Eng Sub] I Want to Be Your Heart [Yurry Canon ft. GUMI]
Will I someday be able to act as someone’s reason to live?
This song is featured in Yurry Canon’s album, Kardia, which you can check out here!
The text which flashes by in the first part of the video is lyrics from Yurry Canon’s previous songs, and the latter half is related to the plot of the music video. I’ve typed it all out at the bottom to read!
Official YouTube Upload:
Official NND Upload:
Lyrics Page:
※This video is a derivative work, uploaded for non-profit translation purposes. All credit goes to the original creators, listed below.
Original Title: Dareka no Shinzou ni Nareta nara (だれかの心臓になれたなら)
Music & Lyrics: Yurry Canon (ユリイ・カノン ) @yurryCanon
Illustrations: Katai Uji (片井雨司) @catskymusic
I simply stood motionless before the rock where she slept.
Even as the rain fell, I remained, umbrella-less.
The heart beats, causing blood to run through your veins, sustaining your physical body. Maintaining. Continuing.
How does the soul continue to exist?
Absorbing happiness and misfortune. Changing its form. Eating through joys and sorrows, only to throw them up and hunger again.
What is the “heart“?
It has no form. It cannot be seen. It requires life to exist.
The reason why your heart hasn’t broken, why it hasn’t been lost, is because your heart surely beats on somewhere within you.
You can act as someone’s heart, too.
Please live strong.
Some part of me feared how wounds heal over time.
Someday, would I remember those days but have lost the ability to feel sadness?
This body of mine may wither away, but these feelings will not fade with time.
Even now, she is the one that makes the blood run through my heart.
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