well, thats really random...
does scar smokes the right stuff?
I’m worried... I guess he inhale too much of those gases there! O___O
nyahah, okay xDD
Thats for risyyyyy! xDD
well, SOMEBODY ~ told me to make a video with this song xD
and now I made that! gaaa! it’s ......
you should watch the offical video of it - IT’S DAMN SCARRY!! I MEAN IT!
but kinda funny too *g
aaand, I just worked the last three days a bit on it, so I didn’T worked so duly (is it the right word? xD)
but now to the little messages ~
- - - - - - - - - M E S S A G E - - - - - - - - -
I have some projects! ;D
I won’t tell you what kind of projects, uhm... argh, blaaah xD
but you will get animash-stuff and one life action :3
buut.. I’m very slow, so it will still needs s