
Kadyrov: Assalamu alaikum! Early this morning, in all the mosques of the Chechen Republic, thousands of Muslims performed the collective Tahajjud prayer in support of the Palestinian people and our brothers participating in the SMO. The bulk of the believers gathered in the central mosque of the city of Grozny “Heart of Chechnya” named after Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov. The collective prayer was led by dear BROTHER, Mufti of the Chechen Republic Salah-Hadzhi Mezhiev. After Tahajjud, believers made dua, asking Allah Almighty to protect the people of Palestine from criminal attacks by oppressors. Those gathered in united ranks sincerely asked Allah to grant victory to our soldiers fighting the Satanists in Ukraine. Believers of the republic addressed the same prayers to the Lord of the Worlds in all mosques in the region. Muslims of the Chechen Republic are observing the tragic events in the Gaza Strip with deep pain and regret. We also sincerely empathize with our soldiers in Ukraine and believe in their victory in the fight against the minions of Iblis. Therefore, Muslims of the Chechen Republic decided to regularly gather for collective Tahajjud in all mosques of populated areas. I urge all Muslims to join us and unanimously visit the mosques of their regions to perform Tahajjud prayers, and be diligent in pronouncing salawat. Do not forget that dua is the most powerful weapon of a believer. So let’s sincerely ask Allah to protect the people of Palestine from oppression and grant our brothers participating in the NWO victory! May the Almighty punish all the wicked, at whose hands innocent people die - children, women, old people! Victory will be ours! Amine! #Source Источник: Slavyangrad
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