J.S. Bach - “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” BWV 633 (Orgelbüchlein)

Roberto Bertero at the organ of Turin’s Santuario della Consolata (Church of the Virgin of the Consolation). This video is featuring Bach’s chorale prelude “Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” BWV 633, excerpt from his famous collection of organ pieces “Orgelbüchlein” (Little Organ Book). This is the text of the chorale: “Most beloved Jesus, we are here for you and for your word: turn our senses and aspirations toward the sweet teachings of heaven, so that the hearts of the earth may rise to You”. Text by Tobias Clausnitzer (1618-1684). Melody by Johann Rudolph Ahle (1625-1673). This prelude to the chorale is a 5-voice arrangement in Canon (between soprano and contralto). The liturgical meaning of the Chorale “Liebster Jesu” in the 5 versions that Bach gave of it (all marked by brevity, simplicity and intimate poetry) is very important: before the sermon the faithful prepare themselves to listen to the Organ and then sing: “Lord, we are here to listen to You and Your word”. Welcome to this YouTube channel aimed at providing some quality online documentation concerning the “Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi“ organ located in the Consolata Sanctuary, Turin (Italy). Audio or audio-video file will be regularly uploaded, all recorded LIVE. The sound will be captured with Zoom H5 audio recorder (96kHz / 24bit), while footage will be filmed with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. The intent is to create a database of the musical literature performed by me, titular organist in this prestigious sanctuary, right during the religious services along the Liturgical Year or during the organ auditions, between one Mass and another. SUBSCRIBE to this channel ______________________________________   Organ built by Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi (year 1864), Restructured by Carlo Vegezzi Bossi (year 1889). Mechanical transmission 2 manuals 61 notes Pedalboard with 27 parallel keys (12 real, then repeated from C 13) Interlocking handcuff register control 7 bellows   Stoplist     - GREAT: Terza mano Voce Umana S                    Bombardino 16’ B             Tromba 16’ S                     Trombone 8’ B                   Trombe 8’ S                        Clarone 4’ B                      Corno Ing. 16’ S                 Cornamusa 8’ S               Voci Corali 16’ S                 Oboe 8’ S                             Viola 4’ B                          Violone 8’ B                       Violino 8’ S                          Corno Dolce 16’ S               Flauto Trav 8’ S                  Flauto 4’ B                      Flauto 4’ S                         Ottavino S                  Cornetto I                          Cornetto II Principale 16’ B Principale 16’ S Principale 8’ I B Principale 8’ I S Principale 8’ II B Principale 8’ II S Ottava I B Ottava I S Ottava II B Ottava II S XII B XII S XV I XV II XIX XXII-XXII XXVI-XXIX XXXIII-XXXVI XL-XLIII     - PEDAL:                   Bombarde 16’                     Trombone 8’                      Unione Tastiere        Contrabbasso 16’ Bassi 8’ Ripieno 9 file Ped Tasto Pedale II Timpani                                                                                                                   - SWELL: Principale 8’ B                 Principale 8’ S                    Ottava 4’  B                         Ottava 4’ S                        XV                                     XIX                                  XXII                                   XXVI- XXIX               Arpa XII B                       Arpa XII S                    Fagotto B Trombe S Clarone 8 B Violoncello 8’ S Corno Ing.8’ S Viola 8’ B Violino 2 canne S S Cornetto II S Flauto Trav 8’ B Ottavino S
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