Le clair de lune, qui reflète la lumière du soleil en créant une ambiance très particulière, a beaucoup inspiré les peintres.
Moonlight consists of mostly sunlight (with little earthlight) reflected from the parts of the Moon’s surface where the Sun’s light strikes. The intensity of moonlight varies greatly depending on the lunar phase, but even the full Moon typically provides only about –0.1 lux illumination. When a full Moon around perigee (a “supermoon“) is viewed around upper culmination from the tropics, the illuminance can reach up to lux. From Earth, the apparent magnitude of the ful
...l Moon is only about 1⁄380,000 that of the Sun. The color of moonlight, particularly around full moon, appears bluish to the human eye compared to most artificial light sources due to the Purkinje effect.
Sources :
Journaux des mouvements artistiques - Skira
Dictionnaire universel de la peinture – Le Robert
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