UPDATE: White House fence sort of taken down last night, but not really. Let me show you what’s up.

I got an alert last night that something was going on at the White House fence. I rushed over to show you a live stream of what I was seeing at the White House and Ellipse where giant trucks and cranes were busy at work removing the jersey barriers from the White House fence, but it was slow going and I planned for a return the next day to see how much was actually taken away. The next morning I grabbed a scooter and went around the entire perimeter, now without jersey barriers but still with the fence! I guess this is going to take a few days to remove, I hope. 00:00 Intro 00:10 White House at Night 02:20 White House fence in the morning 04:45 Steam smell test 11:00 Lafayette Park 16:15 Back to the White House Fence —————— PenguinSix is an apolitical guy in a political town who likes to walk a lot. He has hiked over 17,000 miles (27,000kms) in the past six years and is still walking today. He is an American expat who spent the last decade in Hong Kong with his family and is now back in Washington DC, con
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