USA: Jewish Congress to assert equal rights of Jews (1934)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Jewish Congress asserts equal rights of Jews. Full Description: USA: New York: United against Hitlerism poster, Jewish people voting, men in synagogue and looking at list (of candidates?); Candidate on soapbox addressing residents in German SOT; More of Jewish congress voting 5th Avenue: GV looking down 5th Avenue through arched window showing skyscrapers, and cars below. Unidentified man speaking about American Jews resolution to safeguard the equal rights of Jews at home and abroad SOT Jewish community; USA Background: Jewish Congress asserts equal rights of Jews. FILM ID: VLVACJ3I114KGPK3TPQVYRU8YRXV0 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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