This video will take you on a journey to explore the top 10 most dangerous places on the planet. We’ll dive into the reasons why these places are so hazardous and what makes them so deadly.
Join us as we explore the dangers of active volcanoes, poisonous jungles, treacherous oceans, and more. Be prepared to be shocked and amazed by the power and danger of these locations.
0:00 Intro
0:22 Death Valley, USA
1:19 Great Blue Hole, Belize
2:02 Snake Island, Brazil
2:52 Lake Natron, Tanzania
3:36 Mount Washington, USA
4:12 Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan
4:45 North Sentinel Islands, Andaman Islands
5:26 Madidi National Park, Bolivia
6:06 Valley of Death, Russia
6:42 Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean
6 days ago 00:09:45 121
LISA (BLACKPINK) @ Life in Looks Vogue
2 weeks ago 00:14:45 1
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