Страшные видео которые введут вас в заблуждение Часть 2
I really like the fall season. Not because of the fact that the weather is colder and more panoramic; I love it because it is the eeriest time of the year! It, hands down, is the best season to indulge in ominous ghost stories, make plans to visit some creepy, haunted places, and best of all, watch scary videos that will make you shake in your shoes!
Out of all the genres out there, horror is the one where the aphorism “less is more” stands out as the gospel truth. The faint and gentle suggestion of something horrific is, effectively without fail, much more spine-chilling than just flat out seeing every spooky little detail — or at least, it is that way for me. The beauty of horror is in its subtlety; the little hints, the missing details, that’s what makes something truly hair-raising.
And indeed, that is why I believe the internet is such a treasure trove for anyone who is into scary videos. The horror flicks that rely on high budget and flashy special effects to conceal flaws in their writing or performances can never compete with a real, inexplicable, and somewhat grainy footage when it comes to giving you the chills. So now, pull up a chair. A comfortable one. Open up a new tab, and — this one is especially important — turn the lights off. Because I am about to analyze some scary videos that are one in a million. But beware, these creepy videos may chill you to the marrow!
If you have ever spent any amount of time with anything to do with anything scary, you know that the more you watch it, the less creepy it gets. On the first watch, they may send shivery chills right up your spine, but when you rewatch them, you find that their eeriness subsides. And that is exactly why this list of top 10 scary videos is so special — one in a million, as I have mentioned already — as the more times you will watch them, the more they will make you jump out of your skin!
When I stumbled across the videos included in this list of top 10 scary videos for the first time, they gave me the biggest of chills — the ones I can never forget, no matter how hard I try. Even well after watching these creepy videos, I wasn’t able to shake off the pounding of my pulse and the horrible cold sweats I was left in. I imagined myself being in one of my recurring nightmares — your mind likes to play tricks on you when you are freaked out, you know. I start hearing things that weren’t really there and began seeing shadow figures every time I walked in a dark room. That was a truly terrifying situation to be in, and you may very well happen to find yourself in the same set of circumstances if you decide to go ahead and watch this list of top 10 creepy videos. So, proceed at your own peril, and don’t say you haven’t been warned.
Once you watch these scary videos, you will realize they really are some of the most unnerving, dreadful, and out-and-out scariest videos you can find on the internet, and no one will be able to convince you otherwise.
Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the life out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod ()
jdgehlert ()
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