It’s part alien! Fisherman finds ’toe biter’ giant water bug | Enderby, BC, Canada

Credit: Pen News/Bobby Sprovieri THIS is the hair-raising moment a stunned fisherman encounters a “part-alien” creature with one of the most painful bites in the insect world. Bobby Sprovieri was fishing in Enderby, British Columbia, Canada, when he realised he had a stowaway aboard his boat. “When we headed out for our evening fish, I looked back and there it was staring at us,” he said. “It looked like it was part crab, part turtle, part June bug and part alien. “When I first saw it, it really threw me off. I had no clue what it was, my guess was some sort of June bug or water beetle. “Never have I ever encountered anything like this.” In Bobby’s pictures of the creature, its appears to have a hard shell and several legs – including two longer, grasping limbs at the front. Mr Sprovieri, 39, estimates the creature was four inches long. “I decided to see if this creature would bring us luck catching some fish, which it did,” he said. “We had an epic night fishing and when we got back to shore I gently remove
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