15 Minute Exercise To Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
Testosterone is your primary male sex hormone, and it is a very important hormone that is necessary for growth, reproduction, and maintenance of a healthy body. Testosterone also plays a part in for enhancing libido, height increase, body and pubic hair growth, the health of your testes and prostate, and the enlargement of your male sexual reproductive organ. Another major role testosterone plays in the male body is that it signals your body to make new red blood cells, and ensures that your bones and muscles stay strong. Now, knowing the importance of having good testosterone levels, it goes without saying that you’ll want to make sure you maintain your testosterone levels or boost them if your levels are not optimal. When testosterone levels are not optimal some commons signs of this will be an unexplained increase in body fat and reduction in muscle mass, loss of body hair, osteoporosis or weak bones, difficulty with memory and concentration, depressed mood, low sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. N