253 - Twisting the Ten Commandments / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
What relationship exists between God’s law and the character of God? Can anyone change God’s laws? One of the antichrist’s identifying features is that it will change times and laws. Has the antichrist done this? What does the changing of the Ten Commandments say about the governing authority of the Christian church? Has a new authority taken the place of God?
What is significant about the fact that Voltaire, an instigator of the French Revolution, was a Jesuit? Why did the revolutionaries first publish their declaration of human rights in an image depicting two tablets of stone? What was their message? What is the definition of fascism? What is the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and fascist ideologies? Could it be that since 1992 the world has fallen under a fascist system of government?
Are the human rights God-given, as Pope Benedict XVI said when he addressed the United Nations? Are they based on God’s laws, or on something else? If they’re not based on God’s laws, whose laws are they? What god is the authority behind them? How have human rights negated every single one of the Commandments of God? What relation does natural law have to God’s law?
Does the Roman Catholic Church have a military arm? Who are its champions? Who are the Knights of Malta and what is their aim? What is the power behind the global governing system? Who is behind the morality that’s being legislated all over the world today? This is the issue facing humanity today: Who has authority over my moral choices? Is it the God of heaven? Or another god that has the audacity to change God’s law?
“They have made void thy law“ - Is the Pope above the law? 0:57
Who is the “man of sin“ & what is sin? 3:35
Did the Pope change God’s law? - The Ten Commandments Changed 4:41
Human Rights vs. The Ten Commandments 17:13
“The whole world has a fascist system of government“ 19:38
Reason, Human Rights & The Pope 22:08
Roman Catholic Natural Law vs. Protestant Law of Nature 25:50
Who is the standard for morality: The Bible or The Pope? 31:00
Human rights is being pushed in modern societies rather than the Bible 34:35
How human rights relates to God’s commandments 38:51
Forbidden to pray in the name of Jesus 45:08
The Catholic Church on the Sabbath day 46:03
The law is found in the New Testament & what the reformers taught about the law 51:15
The law is a transcript of the character of God 53:16
Family Crisis, Pornography & Same-Sex Marriages 54:01
Rome’s Interpretation of the Ten Commandments / Why is evolution allowed in catholic schools? 1:06:11
Vatican II Council Twists The Ten Commandments 1:13:08
Does the Catholic Church have a military? Knights of Malta & Jesuits 1:15:00
South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and Rome 1:18:28
CIA, FBI, Bilderberg’s Politicians ties to Catholic Church 1:23:01
The Bilderbergers 1:27:33
The World bows to The Pope 1:29:10
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