DB-2 Duckbill Check Valve flanged model by Defender Valves / Dewater Products in Australia. Size 300
The DB-2 Flanged Duckbill Check Valve available from size DN80 (3“) up to DN2400.
This valve in the video is size DN300(12“) with a Table E AS2129 flange in 316 stainless steel.
This valve is very reliable and requires no power source or manual operation.
The DB-2 duckbill check valves main purpose is to prevent inline backflow and can withstand up to 15 meters of back pressure.
The valve is manufactured from highly durable and flexible rubber like a truck tyre, and the design offers the lowest head loss of any check valve.
Forward hydraulic pressure opens the valve and reverse hydraulic pressure closes the valve.
The valve has a large sealing area which tightly seals when required to.
The rubber will never corrode like cheap metal would, and with a 316 stainless steel flange fitted, a design life of 50 years isn’t unrealistic.
The curved bill design offers that added sealing effect from the back flow.
Available from Dewater Products Pty Ltd in Australia.