R. Schumann - Kinderszenen , “Scenes from Childhood“
R. Schumann - Kinderszenen , “Scenes from Childhood“
Performed by Cristoph Zbinden.
#schumann #piano #classicalmusic
The cycle “Children’s Scenes“ includes thirteen diverse miniatures in which Robert Schumann picturesquely depicted everything that happens to a person in childhood: his fun and important activities, joys and sorrows.
“On foreign countries and people“ (Von fremden Ländern und Menschen). The piece, written in G major and in a simple three-movement form, is very gentle, but at the same time optimistic. A few sad intonations appear only in the middle part.
“Funny story“ (Kuriose Geschichte). Energetic, cheerful music, written in D major, despite the triple time signature, resembles the march of fairy-tale characters. From time to time a lyrical image appears, but this is not for long, like a change in the mood of a child.
Blind Man’s Blind Man’s (Hasche-Mann.) Despite the minor key, the composition is so groovy in character that it is perceived in one breath. It really vividly reflects the perky play of children.
“The begging child“ (Bittendes Kind). A very gentle and expressive melodic line picturesquely draws the one who is declared in the title of the work.
“Full pleasure“ (Glückes genug). The play conveys a feeling of pleasure and a state of bliss from something extraordinarily good.
“Important incident“ (Wichtige Begebenheit). Music of a majestic nature depicts some kind of solemn event: as if a fabulous royal family during the holiday comes out to greet the citizens of their state.
“Dreams“ (Träumerei) This is the most popular piece from the cycle, which is very often included in the program of various concerts. Gentle and touching music makes a charming impression on the listeners.
“By the fireplace“ (Am Kamin). The contemplative music of the work paints a touching picture: an adult and a child, sitting by the fireplace, are watching the fun play of flames on burning wood.
“Riding a wooden horse“ (Ritter vom Seckenpferd). The musical sounds of the miniature vividly convey the nature of the fun that all the boys love to play.
“Almost seriously“ (Fast zu ernst). A very expressive melody, characterized by some mystery, creates a mood of calm and peace.
“Scare“ (Fürchtenmachen). It all starts with a calm lyrical theme and suddenly a contrasting episode suddenly bursts in, as if it really wants to scare someone. This is repeated several times.
“Sleeping Child“ (Kind im Einschlummern). A melancholic melody that sounds like a lullaby to lull a child to sleep.
“The Poet Speaks“ (Der Dichter spricht). The poet reflects on the meaning of life and how judgments differ in youth and in adulthood.
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4 months ago 00:14:23 1
Шуман. Экспромты на тему Клары Вик, op. 5, NN1-11. Исполняет Светлана Стуколкина (Москва)
4 months ago 00:03:42 1
4 months ago 00:38:42 1
РЕЗОНАНС ШУМАНА и с чем его едят или что общего между гулом земли и гаражом?
4 months ago 02:35:50 1
Александр Избицер. Музыка и жизнь.
4 months ago 00:19:23 1
Шумай чуть не убил меня! Покатушка на Вине и Роксе