Disambiguating #theDress

Финалист конкурса Best Illusion of the Year 2015 Автор: Rosa Lafer-Sousa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) Одна из интерпретаций цвета “того самого платья” - всё зависит от цветового контекста, который интерпретируется как разное освещение. Typically the visual system does a remarkable job of inferring the spectral-content of ambient light in a scene and discounting its contribution to color perception. But what if the relevant cues are ambiguous? Perhaps people perceive #TheDress differently because the lighting in the image is ambiguous (is it warm or cool?) and people’s brains make different guesses about it’s chromatic-bias. Here, I disambiguate the lighting conditions by embedding #TheDress in scenes containing clear cues to the illuminating conditions: the scene and model’s skin cue either a warm or cool light (the dress was not modified). Most viewers (~80%) conform to the cued percept.
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