Why we’re down to three | Back2Warcraft Podcast 25
00:00 An Unusual Introduction
02:37 Short Version of the Story
05:45 Limited Info, Believe in Change and Unseen Red Flags
17:17 First Chat Log Leak and Investigation
21:39 Second Leak - What Are You Wearing?
33:00 Toris Public Statement Changes Everything
44:15 Addressing the Worst and Best from the Community
Many of you probably saw that we parted ways with Bidoux over leaked screenshots and a long statement released by the WC3 streamer Tori.
You probably also witnessed me releasing a statement earlier last week that I will not fire Bidoux over the leaks. In this podcast, I’ll try to explain why and what changed my mind.
The accusations can be found here:
Bidoux’s statements can be found here:
My initial statement can be found here: