Hope & Alaric | “She won’t wake up“ [+3x01]

Sorry for the lack of uploads, i’ve been doing my own thing lately but with legacies season 3 starting to air I just might get back to editing. I stayed up very late editing this so I really hope you like it :) I love the relationship hope and alaric have, After she lost both of her parents he’s a father to her. I love how he sometimes gets annoyed at her but still loves her and she trusts him more than anyone, she told him everything and went to him seeking help when she got back from malivore. He’s also the one to realize why she wouldn’t wake up, idk I just really love their relationship. I hope you enjoy the video :) Tags: #HopeMikaelson #AlaricSaltzman #Legacies #fanvidfeed Join the Community! - Video Edits - The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals/ Legacies - _ My Socials! ★Instagra
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