[FREE FOR PROFIT] Drift Phonk Type Beat - NIXUYA ON VALIT(1066)

Бит для коммерческого использования. Указывайте меня как продюсера (prod. Mokujin) Для связи со мной или покупки бита пиши сюда INST - @_gogogogogogogang_ VK - ​​​ GROUP VK - ​​​ tags (ignore) cowbell #phonk, devilish trio type beat, free instrumental, suicideboys type beat, ramirez type beat, cowbell phonk type beat, baker, suicideboys beat, phonk instrumental, hard phonk type beat, creepy type beat, scary instrumental, #devilish trio instrumental, free beat, baker type beat, 2017, devilish trio type beat, hydra, hydra mane, ramirez type beat, hard ramirez type beat, $uicide boy$ type beat, #suicide boys type beat, hard ass phonk beat, 808 mafia type beat, 808 bass, hard 808 bass type beat, rap instrumental, free rap instrumental, yungxrist, uicideboy, zillakami type beat, hard zillakami type beat, zillakami x sosmula type beat, sosmula type beat, jeembo type beat, demon lover, stop staring at the shadows type beat, stop staring at the shadows, hip-
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