Bentley gift for Queen’s Golden Jubilee

(30 May 2002) 1. Wide shot Windsor Castle 2. New Bentley limousine covered in cloth 3. Queen Elizabeth emerges to see limousine 4. Bentley is unveiled 5. Royal crest 6. Queen inspects her new limousine 7. Queen reflected in wheel cap, pan up to Queen herself 8. Bentley being driven out of garage 9. Bentley being polished 10. Interior of vehicle 11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sarah Perris, Bentley communications director “This is a complete one off. It’s been built from the ground up exclusively for Her Majesty the Queen. It’s the first time ever that a state limousine has ever been designed - interior, exterior, chassis - from the ground up for a member of the British royal family.“ 12. SOUNDBITE (German) Franz-Josef Paefgen, Chairman, Bentley Motors “It’s always something very special if you do a car for a king or queen, and specially for the English queen. This is a great car, six metres long, weighing four tonnes, and it has impressive acceleration.“ 13. SOUNDBITE (English) Franz-Josef Paefgen,
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