PlayChoice 10 - Nintendo’s NES Arcade Machine

These days Nintendo is well known for their home video game consoles, although there was a time when they ruled the arcades as well! The Nintendo PlayChoice 10 is an arcade machine that allows you to play a variety of NES games for as long as your timer lasts. You were pretty much incentivized to speedrun back in the day to get the most bang for your buck! In this video we go over the history of the machine, how it operates, what the game cartridges or boards look like, as well as sample several games including Super Mario Bros. 3, Contra, and Mike Tyson’s Punch Out! Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoy my review of the Nintendo PlayChoice-10! A special thanks to my Patrons who help support my content: -Abdulla Mahboub -Christopher Conte -Justatreeandall -Milesluigi -Phillip Shinn -Swimming -Tealgamemaster Check out my website where you can find links to my social media pages, Japanese to English translations I have worked on, and much more!
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