USE THIS BEAT FOR FREE! BUY LINK: Beat Title: [ [HOLDING APACHE MAN] ] Produced by: JACOBTHEWILLIAM _____________________________________________________ CHOOSING THE RIGHT BEAT/BEAT MAKER: Alright, let’s cut to the fucking chase, shall we? You’re an artist—magical, enigmatic, a veritable Michelangelo of melodies. But guess what? Even the Sistine Chapel needed a solid foundation before it became a masterpiece. So, why should you, a virtuoso, be using my beats? I’ll give you 3 reasons why. Let’s chew the fat on this off, originality. Yeah, I know, everyone... claims to be original nowadays, right? But here’s the kicker: almost every producer now days uses pre-made, fabricated sounds that all come from the same curated sound libraries that producers purchase and download from a sound designer/sample library. They are already perfectly mapped out to certain Keys and BPM’s all the producer has to do is drag and drop it into the
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