● I will rule the universe! ●
- 1804 as emperor Sworn -
● Soldier at heart and a child of war ●
- Napoleon Bonaparte -
● A master of the game ●
- An equal to God -
● Invading the lands of greed and fraud ●
- Turned warfare to an Art! -
● He was known as the chosen one ●
- Born 1769 in Corsica -
● His familiys joy and pride ●
- It was just like a Fairytail -
● This boy was not for sale and he never lied ●
- But how he Cried! -
● I will rule the universe! ●
- I´m the glory, I´m the Brave -
● Going down in history forever! ●
- I will rule the Universe -
● I shall cross their sorrows veil ●