Heart Chakra 136 Hz (136.1 Hz) Pure Tone | Anahata Chakra | The Platonic Frequencies | OM Frequency

Heart Chakra 136 Hz (136.1 Hz) Pure Tone | Anahata Chakra | The Platonic Frequencies | OM Frequency. Heart Chakra - Hz The tone of the Earth’s year, This frequency resonates to the complete Earth Year (365 days) which is the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun. This tone is soothing and promotes relaxation. It has a restorative nature and brings balance and harmony when relating with others. This frequency resonates to the Earth Year or the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. This tone promotes a relaxed, soothing, restorative nature and balanced harmony when relating with others.
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