Oral hygiene
Today I’m telling you how to maintain hygiene most effectively and share a life hack for checking your hygiene at home.
1. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day! In the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. If you are undergoing treatment with braces or aligners, you should brush your teeth after every meal.
2. What we need to maintain hygiene at home:
Dental floss
Tongue scraper
3. A must-have device is an irrigator which you start your hygiene with. Due to the pressure of water and air, it washes away food particles, cleans the teeth near the gums, massages the gums, improving blood circulation, thereby prevents the inflammatory process.
4. Next, we use a toothbrush with toothpaste. Brush movement must be performed sweeping from the gums to the cutting edge on both inner and outer surfaces of your teeth. We also add circular movements on the chewing surface.
5. What toothpaste or brush is better to choose? Top 3 brushes by doctor Baranov: Biorepair, Curaprox, Apadent. Brushes: Curaprox, Splat, Rocs. For those who are interested, he analyzes in great detail the pros and cons of brushes and pastes on his telegram channel.
6. We also use dental floss to clean the area between teeth at the contact point. You can never do this with a brush and an irrigator, so we do not neglect this opportunity.
7. Tongue scraper. Let’s not forget about the tongue. Of course, you can also use a brush to clean your tongue, whatever you like! But most importantly, your tongue must be cleaned as well!
8. Parents are responsible for dental hygiene of their kids under 12. It is them who help to clean their children’s teeth, where they cannot do it themselves.
9. You need to change your toothbrush every 3 months, and more often.
10. Go to professional hygiene every six months.
: you can buy special pills that indicate dental plaque by coloring it purple. We appoint a day off and arrange a ‘teeth bath day’ for the whole family. It’s a great way to start developing a proper teeth brushing habit.
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