Deer in the Headlights - GatoPaint & FritzyBeat (covering Owl City)

~ It’s suffocating to say, but the female mystique takes my breath away ~ Join the Magpie Pavilion: You already know how much I like Owl City, heh. All Things Bright and Beautiful is one of my favorite albums of all time. I used to listen to every day when it first came out. I would lie out on the big local soccer field in the middle of the night looking up at the stars and just listen for ages. There was a big spotlight that was always left on late that illuminated the grass like it was the middle of the day, and the contrast of the bright green grass glowing in the dark night beneath the stars with distant flashes of lightning from silent thunderstorms on the horizon, too far to make a sound, all while singing along to the newest album from my favorite artist? It’s a scene I’ve never forgotten, and comes back to me each time I think about those songs.
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