Police strike leads to riots in Liverpool (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit With the Liverpool police force on strike, rioting runs rampant, with smashed shop windows and British Army soldiers taking the patrol Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Liverpool Riots ENGLAND: Lancashire: Liverpool: EXT LIVERPOOL, LANCS MAIN TITLE (8ft) LV. Crowd of spectators on pavement looking at smashed shop windows in .g., & several soldiers on patrol. (2 shots) (28ft) LV. Procession of demonstrators march past. (41ft) Civil Disturbances, Military - Active, Industrial Relations, Great Britain rioting, destroy, civil law, trade, Labour, labour union Background: With the Liverpool police force on strike, rioting runs rampant, with smashed shop windows and British Army soldiers taking the patrol FILM ID: VLVA8U2HZGG3Y8IS7FZMQO9HP7RGO To license this film, visit
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