TEDx Talks
Опубликовано: 14 дек. 2013 г.
Credibility in most forms of marketing is at an all time low. Truth itself is being treated like false coin. Where marketing could raise expectation and enjoyment and assist choice, it currently just flummoxes, distracts and dissapoints. But this isn’t a new problem. Socrates an Plato had almost exactly the same problem with a group they called the “Sophists“. In their quest to pin down the fuzzy logic of the Sophists, they actually solved most of the key questions of Western Philosophy. So perhaps there is something we can do...
Sean Dromgoole is a
...consumer researcher based in London specialising in entertainment. He is the CEO of the largest group of companies specialising in this field and has been active in this field for 15 years. Prior to this he was active in writing, producing and funding television and film throughout the world. His original discipline was philosophy and he still keeps a copy of Plato on his desk.Show more