Kancho Bijan Fard Presented Masutatsu Oyama Kata The Godhand ! The 18 Hands of Kyokushin Karate. You never seen it before. 十八手 6th dan Karate Master 極真 十はつ 手 カタ
Kancho makes this all katas or training with Herniated disc and Achilles tear. And for eight times operated were the doctor take 40 gram prolaps out of his body,Never give up spirit.
They are comparatively eighteen hands katas (Tensho) (Yantsu) (Saifa)
(Seipai) is the Okinawan pronunciation of the kanji characters for 18 (pronounced Ju Hachi in Japanese). In other karate styles, this kata is sometimes called Seipaite, or eighteen hands. The number 18 is derived from the Buddhist concept of 6 x 3, where six represents color, voice, taste, smell, touch and justice and three represents good, bad and peace
The name translates to the number 18, where 18 is 3x6 which have significances in Buddhism.
The 18 hands of Wing Chun and Karate
1-Huen Sau - Shuto
2-Tan Sau - Haito ouchi ouke
3-Lap Sau - Hiraken shuto ouchi ouke
4-Pak Sau - Haito soto ouke
5-Gum Sau - Hito gedan barai
6-Lan Sau - Shuto jodan ouke
7-Bong Sau - Shuto koto ouke
8-Bil Sau - Shuto ouchi ouke
9-Tok Sau - Shotei jodan ouke
10-Kwun Sau - Shuto mawashi morto jojie ouke
11-Huen Sau - Shuto gedan barai
12-Wu Sau - Shuto mawashi ouke
13-Fook Sau - Shuto koto gedanbarai
14-Jum Sau - Shuto koto ouke
15-Jut Sau - Hiato morto shuto ouke
16-Tie Sau - Koken jodan ouke
17-Jip Sau - one Hand with (Hiraken jodan ouke) other Hand Shuto haito soto ouke)
18-Man Sau - Shuto tettsui jodan ouke
Other Buddhist symbols within Karate include the term karate itself, the character kara can also be read as ku, which originates from sunya, positioning at the beginning of kata resembles the hand position of zazen, and custom of the bow upon entering and leaving the dojo and meeting the sensei, as is done in Buddhist temples and Zen dojo
Weapons of the Body Hands and Arms
Empi Elbow
Haisho Backhand
Haito Inner knife hand
Hiji Elbow
Hiraken Flat fist
Hitosashiyubi Forefinger
Ippon-Ken Knuckle Fist
Ippon Nukite Single Finger Spearhand
Keiko Chicken Beak Hand
Kobusi Fist
Koken Wrist Top
Kote Forearm
Nakayubi Middle Finger
Ippon-Ken Kunckle Fist
Nihon-Ken Two Knuckle Fist
Nihon Nukite Two Finger Spearhead
Nukite Spearhead Oyayubi
Ippon-Ken Thumb Knuckle Fist
Ryuto-Ken Dragon’s Head
Fist Seiken Forefist
Shotei Palm Heel
Shuto Knife Hand
Tettsui Bottom Fist
Toho Sword Peak Hand
Uraken Back fist
Arhatss’ is a religious title for a complete Buddhist saint who has passed completely greed, hatred and delusion, and after the 10 chains personality belief, doubt, clinging to rules and rituals, desires of the senses, ill will, craving for fine physical existence, desire unphysical existence has passed, darkness, ignorance and excitement. He is not born again through the achievement of nirvana. The word comes from the Sanskrit (arhati, Pali: arahati, Chinese: Luohan] and means: kyokushin karate kata kyokushin karate Hands of The 18 - Kyokushin-kan germany [Shihan makes this all katas or training with Herniated disc and Achilles tear. And operated for five months ago were the doctor take 40 gram prolapse out of his body] The Arhatss.
Arhatss’ ist ein religiöser Titel für einen vollendeten buddhistischen Heiligen, der vollständig Gier, Hass und Verblendung abgelegt hat und der die 10 Fesseln Persönlichkeitsglaube, Zweifel, Hängen an Regeln und Riten, Begehren der Sinne, Übelwollen, Begehren nach feinkörperlicher Existenz, Begehren nach unkörperlicher Existenz, Dunkel, Aufgeregtheit und Unwissenheit abgelegt hat. Er wird durch das Erreichen des Nirwana nicht mehr wiedergeboren. Das Wort stammt aus dem Sanskrit Arhati, Pali: arahati, chin.: Luohan und ,Die Würdige
Shihan makes this all katas or training with Herniated disc and Achilles tear. And for five months ago operated were the doctor take 40 gram prolaps out of his body
The 18 Hands is a set of qigong exercises attributed to the Very Venerable has it that he found the monks of the Shaolin Temple too weak for the rigours of spiritual cultivation and so taught them a set of qigong exercises that became known as the 18 Lohan Hands.
18 -- Because there are 18 qigong exercises in the set
Lohan -- followers of the Buddha Siddhartha Guatama (18 of which were specially honoured when Buddhism spread from India to China)
These qigong exercises enabled the monks to develop strong healthy bodies and minds and allowed them to progress more successfully with their spiritual cultivation.
The Best of kyokushin karate, The best of Mas Oyama
( The First Music Qinghai - Tibet Plateau )
Kyokushin kata Bijan Te ビジャンの手 Kyokusin karate Germany unprecedented unique Kata
This kata belongs to Black Forest Germany City Archiv of Bad Sackingen.
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