The wheel is spun thrice! Then the gang must endure bad times as they viewed VHS tapes, CDS, and floppy discs of amusing or non-amusing content. Will they break under the pressure of viewing such materials? Or will they laugh, smile and have great times viewing these visual nightmares of filth. Journey with Mike, Jay, Tim, and Richard “Woggly Balls“ Evans as they randomly select a video, movie, DVD, Laser Disc, filmstrip, or other materials and engage in conversations about what they did or did not witness while attempting to be funny. Mike will drink beers. Jay will drink beers. Tim will drink beers. Rich will drink Diet Cokes in an attempt to reduce his girth. Mike will drink too many beers and say things he regrets later in the sober light of daylight. How does this happen? With a Wheel of the Worst, of course! A round object that is spun to randomly select a films. Why does this happen? For entertainment and review purposes only of course!
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