Should Christians Listen to Taylor Swift? | pt. 1

In part one of this two-part series, “Should Christians Listen to Taylor Swift?” on Heaven & Healing Podcast, I discuss an uncomfortable truth — it’s time to give up secular music, beloved. Topics of this episode include: -how a main goal of music is to satisfy desires of the flesh contrary to romans 12:14 -a vulnerable testimony of my own, describing my 15 year obsession with Taylor Swift and how the continued indulgence of her music contributed to my being more sexual than ever and having an emotional affair with my “twin flame”-how in this culture, the definition of love has been formed by Taylor Swift songs/lyrics rather the Bible; how young women are forming their perception of love based on Taylor’s perception rather than God’s -Taylor’s recent break up with Joe Alwyn and how it proves her demonic, feminist lifestyle has gotten her nowhere because she banks on her fame keeping her warm at night instead of the strand that shall never be broken described in Ephesians 4 -speaking of
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