Rock musical Orpheus - Орфей (рок-опера Андрей Лефлер Евгений Егоров Дарья Бурлюкало Павел Пламенев)
The rock musical based on the plots of two ancient Greek myths - the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and myth of Persephone’s abduction. The musical is a stage adaptation of these two classic stories and is a slightly different take on the story of ancient Greek hero-singer Orpheus. Unaware of his appointment, having been deceived and deprived of his wife, the protagonist acts as part of Olympian gods plan to return Persephone, who was kidnapped by the god of underworld, Hades. Without the participation of young goddess, the world of people begins to die from increasing cold caused by inconsolable grief of her mother Demeter. With the advent of a long winter, famine and a total pestilence, folks begin to lose faith in the power of Olympus and die under the weight of circumstances. In order to save the world and not let the faith in intercession of higher powers fade away, the Gods entrust Hermes with the task of returning Persephone without starting a war with his relative Hades.
Актерский состав (Cast):
Андрей Лефлер (Andrey Lefler as Orpheus):
- @AndreyLefler
Эвридика – Дарья Бурлюкало (Daria Burlyukalo as Eurydice):
- @user-ft1tu8me4c/streams
Гермес – Евгений Егоров (Euvgeny Egorov as Hermes):
- @MegaSuperJuice/videos
Геката – Вера Зудина (Vera Zudina as Hecate)
Olga Weiner (Jasvena) / Anna Reynolds as Persephone)
Аид – Павел Пламенев (Pavel Plamenev as Hades)
Харон – Дмитрий Борисенков / поверх наложен голос Михаила Сидоренко (Dmitry Borisenkov as Charon / voice by Mikhail Sidorenko)
Судья подземного мира 1 – Дмитрий Борисенков (Dmitry Borisenkov as Underworld’s Judge Aeacus)
Судья подземного мира 2 – Григорий Попов (Grigori Popov as Underworld’s Judge)
The leading figure in this regard is the involuntarily proud and beloved hero of Olympus Orpheus, who, shortly after celebrating victory in songer’s competition and receiving the Golden Lyre from hands of Hermes, loses his beloved wife, the beautiful nymph Eurydice, who died by snakebite due the strange tragic circumstances. Having descended into the darkness of the underworld with the insane goal of achieving the impossible and returning the lost beloved, hero turns out to be a participant in the decision of Persephone’s fate, to whose salvation Hermes leads him. In the end, both heroes, the young goddess and the singer, make their choice, losing but remaining true to their principles. Two beautiful legends come together to hear a brand new story about choice, destiny and love.
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