Scarborough Fair - Traditional ballad, arranged and performed by Joel Frederiksen

I recorded this video on December 20, 2021. The arrangement was made by me some years ago, and is featured on the CD β€œThe Elfin Knightβ€œ (harmonia mundi France, 2007) with more instruments and a harmony voice. On that album, you will also find two other variations of The Elfin Knight (Child Ballad Nr. 2): Whittingham Faire and The Lover’s Tasks. In this song, the lover presents his beloved with a series of impossible tasks: Make me a shirt with no seam, wash it in a well with no water and dry it on a rosebush with no thorn. When you are finished, come to me for the shirt which I made for you with no seam.... To skip the intro and go directly to the song: 4:05 To order a CD, for more info or to listen: =sr_1_1?crid=C4JBF587EX0F&keywords=The Elfin Knight CD&qid=1640957838&sprefix=the elfin knight cd,aps,53&sr=8-1
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