大外刈 & 大外落 & 大外車 / O-soto-gari & O-soto-otoshi & O-soto-guruma

【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】 技の相違点 / Description on differences between closely resembled Waza 大外刈 & 大外落 & 大外車 / O-soto-gari & O-soto-otoshi & O-soto-guruma <大外刈(おおそとがり) / O-soto-gari> 相手を後方に崩し、右脚で相手の右脚を外側から刈って投げる技 / A technique to reap the opponent’s right leg from the outside with the right leg and throw him down by breaking his balance backward. <大外落(おおそとおとし) / O-soto-otoshi> 相手を後方に崩し、右脚を相手の右後ろももの上から摺り下ろし、直下に落として投げる技 / A technique to throw down the opponent vertically by breaking his balance backward and sliding down the right leg on the back of... his right thigh. <大外車(おおそとぐるま) / O-soto-guruma> 相手を後方に崩し、右脚を相手の両脚の後ろにあてて軸とし、回転させて投げる技 / A technique to throw down the opponent by breaking his balance backward and putting the right leg behind both of his legs to rotate him on its axis. #講道館 #柔道 #技 #Kodokan #Judo #Waza
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